該酒呈深紅色。 紅色生果,草莓的持久香氣會隨著時間的流逝而增強,略帶黑加侖和布冧香氣。 可可和煙熏肉,香草香氣明顯,。 味道圓潤宜人。 酒體平衡,酸度好,單寧柔和,口中有融化的感覺。 結構復雜,果味濃郁,口感悠長。The wine has a deep dark red color; persistent aroma of red fruits, strawberries, which intensifies over time, acquiring shades of black currant and plum. The aroma also clearly discernible notes of cocoa and smoked meats, vanilla. The taste is rounded, showing pleasant tones. The wine is balanced, with good acidity, soft tannins, which in total give a melting sensation. The structure is complex, the finish is fruity, long.