Château Mercier 的顏色濃郁,中心部分呈深色。酒香強烈,初鼻散發出黑醋栗和紫羅蘭的香氣,伴隨著杏仁的粉狀花香,暗示著丁香的花朵。整體給人以精緻與柔和的印象。口感上,攻擊感圓潤且集中,但隨後展現出迷人的果香新鮮感。中段口感柔滑而細膩,餘韻悠長,空靈而優雅。
The color of Château Mercier is concentrated, with a dark heart. Intense, the first nose exudes aromas of blackcurrant and violet that let a powdery floral of almond hinting at lilac blossom. The whole leaves an impression of delicacy and softness. The attack on the palate is round and concentrated, but gives way to a lovely fruity freshness. The mid-palate is velvety and delicate. The finish, elongated, is airy and elegant.