此款黑皮諾生長於奧塔哥中部郁郁蔥蔥的車厘子園中,散發出生動的黑車厘子果香,並帶有草本調。 口感有礦物質,細膩香料味,並帶有甜果味。單獨飲用或與鹿肉,鴨肉和火雞搭配食用都可以。
Grown amongst the lush cherry orchids of Central Otago, this fragrant and spicy Pinot Noir has vivid aromas of black cherry fruit on the nose with herbal undertones. The palate is mineral driven with fine spiciness under pinned by sweet fruits.
Great by itself or enjoyed with venison, duck and turkey.
![]() A mixed case of luxury red wines [6 bottles]
![]() A mixed case of luxury wines [6 bottles]