混釀 60%Tempranillo 丹魄,30%Syrah 希拉 和10%Merlot梅洛,然後,將酒放在Zorita庄園的Marquésde la Concordia老窖中的法國Allier新橡木桶中陳釀18個月。
系一款優雅而複雜的傑出紅酒。 法國橡木的香氣突顯出濃郁成熟的果味調。 單寧柔和,酸度均衡,可釀造出長度和結構極佳的紅酒。 適合酒窖陳年。
60% Tempranillo, 30% Syrah and 10% Merlot
The wine is then aged for 18 months in new French Allier oak casks in the Marqués de la Concordia Ageing Cellar at Hacienda Zorita.
An exceptional wine of elegance and complexity. Hints of French oak underline rich, ripe fruity overtones. Soft tannins combine well with balanced acidity, creating a wine of great length and structure. Suitable for cellar ageing.
Perfect with red meats, game and cheeses.