Le Bijou de Sophie Valrose 是一款美麗的淺鮭色玫瑰酒。香氣優雅,散發著野生草莓、柑橘和細膩的花香。口感圓潤且奶油般順滑,伴隨著清新的酸度和絲滑的餘韻。這款酒是開胃小菜、白肉、魚類和沙拉的完美搭配。
葡萄成分:45% Cinsault,40% Grenache,10% Caladoc,5% Syrah。
Le Bijou de Sophie Valrose is a beautifully pale, salmon-coloured rosé. Elegantly fragrant, with aromas of wild strawberries, citrus and delicate floral notes. Round and creamy on the palate, with a refreshing acidity and silky smooth finish.
The perfect accompaniment to canapés, white meats, fish and salads.
(45%) Cinsault, (40%) Grenache, (10%) Caladoc, (5%) Syrah