Schmitges Vom Roten Schiefer Riesling Kabinett, Mosel, Germany



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Mooncake Pairing: 榴槤月餅


It is the vines that take root in a steep, weathered slate soil in Rotliegend and produce very aromatic small berries. An impressively slate spicy note that combines with a certain saltiness and a hint of mint and lemon balm. There is still no indication of any residual sweetness in the Riesling. This only shows up on the palate when the wine fans out and reveals its creamy, silky texture. This is a wine for lovers of fine, elegant Riesling with a perfect interplay of fruit and acidity.

葡萄品種 Riesling
酒精含量 8%
葡萄酒產區 Mosel
國家 德國

Schmitges Vom Roten Schiefer Riesling Kabinett, Mosel, Germany

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It is the vines that take root in a steep, weathered slate soil in Rotliegend and produce very aromatic small berries. An impressively slate spicy note that combines with a certain saltiness and a hint of mint and lemon balm. There is still no indication of any residual sweetness in the Riesling. This only shows up on the palate when the wine fans out and reveals its creamy, silky texture. This is a wine for lovers of fine, elegant Riesling with a perfect interplay of fruit and acidity.


