Pegões Touriga Nacional, Portugal

3 Reviews



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Adega de Pegoes Touriga Nacional具有濃郁,復雜的深色莓果和香料味道,單寧柔順但明顯。 收尾結實又有似絲絨般滑順而悠長。 提子:100% Touriga Nacional 國產多瑞加 陳釀:在美國和法國橡木桶中存放12個月,然後在樽中存放4個月

Very nice

Very deep beautiful colour , full body fruity lovely wine , reasonable price ,
by Anna and Mike 2016年12月14日

Touriga 2013

You can tell this is one of the major grape in port. Powerful wine with perfect balance, and a steal at $100.
by Jimmy 2016年6月9日

Very Nice

A very plesent wine with a floral nose and lots of rounded fruits. A little restrained in the beginning but it really opened up on the 2nd day. Quite a refined style for such a low priced wine.
by Edmund 2016年4月13日

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