Alto Pina 系一款果味濃郁,酒體飽滿,帶有黑車厘子,朱古力,黑莓,咖啡和香草氣息。適飲溫度為16-18度,配以烤羊肉或牛肉。
提子:Aragonez 阿拉哥斯-(又名Tempranillo丹魄),Castelao卡斯特勞,Touriga Nacional 國產多瑞加
Alto Pina is a fruity and full-bodied red wine typical of the character of the Peninsula de Setubal, Portugal. The proximity to the coast makes the climate ideal for wine growing because the cool sea breezes suppress the temperature in an otherwise pretty hot landscape. After having harvested the grapes allows to wine fermented in temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks and then stored 6 months in French barriques.
Warm fruity, flavour with character, touches of dark cherries, chocolate, blackberries, coffee and vanilla.
Serve at 16-18C , pair with grilled dishes of lamb or beef.
Grapes: Aragonez - (aka Tempranillo), Castelao, Touriga Nacional