Bosio Moscato d'asti已將其名稱更改為Valentina。 鼻中帶有麝香和蜜瓜的誘人香氣,舌上帶有檸檬和杏李的香氣。酒體輕度至中度,柔順,甜美,果味濃郁的葡萄酒; 具有良好的起泡性,良好的清爽酸度和中等餘味。
Bosio Moscato d'asti has change it's name to Valentina. With seductive notes of muscat and honeydew melon on the nose and lemon and apricot on the palate.
It is a light to medium bodied, sweet, fruity wine; with fine effervescence, good, refreshing acidity and a medium finish. With only 5.5% alcohol, this is an outdoor sipper or desert wine.