Caleo Montepulciano, d'Abruzzo, Italy
6 Reviews
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深寶石紅色,紫羅蘭色突出,帶有宜人的果香。 干型,口感圓潤,帶有紅色水果味。 酒體中等,單寧柔和,易於飲用。
Easy to drink, good value
very goods
very goods
amazing value
v good value. will buy again.
Pleasently surprised
Great wine and no headache which I often get even if I drink 2 glasses of new world wines. Can't beat it for the price we thoroughly enjoyed this wine.
My new favorite
Seriously under $50?!, Tastes a lot more expensive. How do you do it?
Nice drop!
Well done WR! I just brought this wine out at my dinner party, amazed to find every person loving it. Anyway, must get back my dinner party.