石灰岩土壤 - 利馬里谷像瑪爾堡和香檳一樣,釀造出具有礦物質感的葡萄酒,讓酒品味道純淨。
海岸氣候 - 利馬里位於智利的西北海岸。這裡的夏季較涼爽,但成熟期較長,這段時間能夠產生更深層的風味。
Tabali的標籤都專注於土壤及其特性。'Vetas Blancas'(白色條紋或白色紋理)和'Pedregoso'(石質),都在談論葡萄生長的土壤環境。
國家 智利 葡萄酒產區 Limari Valley 葡萄品種 Malbec $545.00Talinay Lítico Malbec, Limari Valley, Chile
The cold influence of the sea is present here, but the soil is the protagonist, determining the structure of the tannins that look like chalk, which have that grain, that severe, austere texture. A wine that impresses with the way it absorbs the soil.酒類 - 紅酒
年: 2017
獲獎 - 96 Points - Descorchados 96 Points - Tim Atkins