Jas des Vignes Rosé, Alpes Haute Provence, France

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  • 詳細
鮭魚粉紅色。 幾乎成熟的覆盆子、新鮮甜瓜、白堊和天竺葵的香氣和味道,酒體柔軟、清脆、乾燥、輕盈,口感光滑。 一款簡單而令人滿意的乾桃紅葡萄酒。 Salmon pink color. Aromas and flavours of almost-ripe raspberry, fresh melon, chalk, and geranium with a supple, crisp, dry light body and a polished. Food pairing; Poultry, white meat, chicken salad, vegetables and seafood such as tuna or salmon.

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