Lions de Suduiraut Sauternes 2016, Bordeaux, France [ 375ml ]

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Mooncake Pairing 奶黃月餅 呢款來自著名甜酒酒莊嘅第二標,擁有乾果(杏、桃、蜜瓜)同蜂蜜嘅濃郁甜味,完美搭配奶黃月餅嘅強烈風味。酸度可以平衡月餅同甜酒嘅豐富口感。 Arguably one of the greatest producers of Sauternes. The Lions de Suduiraut is an ideal introduction to the style and is blended to be velvety, fresh and ready for immediate consumption. Think ripe apricot, marmalade, zesty peel and hints of vanilla and honey. Luscious!

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