深紅寶石色酒色,充滿成熟黑莓和士多啤梨香氣。 酒體中等,口感帶有香草和辛辣橡木氣息,散發出濃郁的余韻。開樽可立即享用,與燒烤紅肉或禽肉完美搭配。
A new, modern Crianza quality wine, made using the new winemaking technology, which is aged for 18 months in new French and American oak barrels and a further 6 months in bottle to provide a wine style that has forward fruit underpinned by the classic qualities of traditional Rioja.
Deep, dark ruby hues. A ‘classy’ nose of ripe berry fruit well balanced by the use of new oak. The palate is well-knitted together showing great concentration and length.
The ultimate wine match for lamb and perfect with any meat or poultry dish.
- Best in Category Review by Daniel R.
Rating - Not as oaky as before Review by Jimmy