從老提子園手工采摘的提子。 複雜的香氣帶有車厘子和紫羅蘭的味道,口感飽滿,果香味,滑順,回味悠長。 桑嬌維塞90%,蒙特普齊亞諾10%有機和素食主義者證明。
搭配:肉和硬芝士Sangiovese 90%, Montepulciano 10%
Organic wine and vegan certified.
Hand picked grapes from old vineyards. Complex nose with hints of cherry and violet, in the mouth is full, fruity, smooth and with a long aftertaste. Sangiovese 90%, Montepulciano 10%
Organic and vegan certified.
Pairing: Meats and hard cheeses