Tabali Pedregoso Viognier Gran Reserva, Limari Valley



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Tabali Pedregoso Gran Reserva Viognier-頂級智利Viognier,未經橡木桶陳釀,半干型,非常新鮮,口感美味。 這種微妙的芳香型維奧尼(Viognier)具有柑橘和花香。 口感柔和,帶有花香,蜂蜜,杏李和柑橘的味道。


葡萄品種 Viognier
酒精含量 13.5%
葡萄酒產區 Limari Valley
國家 智利

Tabali Pedregoso Viognier Gran Reserva

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這款香氣四溢且細膩的 Viognier 呈現出清爽的黃色。鼻息中,柑橘、白胡椒、薑和奶油蘋果的香氣突出,伴隨著柔和的白色水果和花香的氣息。口感豐滿,酸度極佳,讓這款酒十分清新,複雜且果味十足,展現出卓越的個性。

Tabali Pedregoso Gran Reserva Viognier 是頂級的智利 Viognier,未經橡木桶陳釀,微甜且非常新鮮,質地優雅。這款細膩的 Viognier 帶有柑橘和花香的香氣,在口中帶來柔和的花香、蜜香、杏子和柑橘的風味。非常適合搭配濃郁的印度或泰國菜。

位於智利最北端的葡萄園區,接近阿塔卡馬沙漠的邊緣,Tabalí 擁有獨特的地理位置,坐落於利馬里谷的心臟地帶。當地的“Camanchaca”晨霧每天早晨覆蓋利馬里地區,午後的海風帶來涼爽的空氣,調節葡萄的成熟。最終產出一系列真正獨特的酒,展現優雅、克制和礦物質特徵。

由 Felipe Muller(釀酒師)和 Hector Rojas(葡萄栽培專家)領導的年輕團隊,已獲得酒界最具聲望的多項獎項。

This aromatic and subtle Viognier presents a clean yellow color. On the nose, citrus notes, white pepper, ginger and chirimoya (custard apple) aromas stand out, along with soft hints of white fruit on a floral background. On the palate it has great volume and very good acidity, making the wine very refreshing. Very complex and fruity, with a great character.

Tabali Pedregoso Gran Reserva Viognier - top Chilean Viognier, unoaked, off-dry and really fresh, with a lovely texture. This subtle, aromatic Viognier has citrus and floral aromas. On the palate gentle floral, honeyed, apricot and again citrus flavours. A wonderful wine to accompany creamy Indian or Thai cuisine.

Situated in one of the northern-most vineyard regions in Chile, approaching the edge of the Atacama Desert, Tabalí commands a unique location in the heart of the Limarí Valley. The local ‘Camanchaca' fog blankets the Limarí area each morning, and afternoon coastal breezes bring cool air which moderates the ripening of the grapes. The result is a range of truly distinctive wines with elegance, restraint and minerality.

The dynamic young team lead by Felipe Muller (winemaker) and Hector Rojas (viticulturalist) have already scooped a cabinet full of the wine world's most prestigious trophies.



A case of great value wines [12 bottles]

A case of great value wines [12 bottles]


