我們精選一系列屢獲殊榮而且物超所值的紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,香檳,氣泡酒,啤酒,蘋果酒以及烈酒。歡迎顧客訂購自選組合的美酒,我們將提供免費送貨服務* 到香港各區。
國家 西班牙 葡萄酒產區 Catalunya 葡萄品種 Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Macabeo, Xarel-lo 原價: $78.00
現在: $70.20
Monistrol Blanc de Blancs Organic, Catalunya, Spain
這款酒呈現淺稻草色,帶有桃色調。香氣清新,散發著白花、蘋果和熱帶水果(如鳳梨)的芬芳。在口感上,酒體清新而醇厚,帶有白色水果、葡萄柚和柑橘的風味,餘韻悠長且豐富。酒類 - 白酒
年: 2023
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國家 德國 葡萄酒產區 Rheinhessen, Germany 葡萄品種 Gewurztraminer Semi-Sweet Wine $145.00 -
國家 法國 葡萄酒產區 Alsace 葡萄品種 Gewurztraminer $190.00Marcel Hugg Gewürztraminer Organic, Alsace, France
大膽而濃郁芳香,帶有豐富的荔枝,玫瑰花瓣,生薑,麝香和異國風味的香料味。酒類 - 白酒
It's a gastronomic wine which will pairs very well with Indian and Asian cuisine, recipes made with fruits (duck in orange sauce, pork “filet mignon” with pineapple..), smoked fish and curries of rice and vegetables.
年: 2021
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國家 法國 葡萄酒產區 Alsace AOC Grand Cru 葡萄品種 Gewurztraminer $325.00Marcel Hugg Gewürztraminer Grand Cru Altenberg Organic, 2016, Alsace, France
Intense golden yellow colour. Staggeringly complex! Rich, languid, slow dreaming swirls of honeyed turmeric cream, of saffron and the heavy golden light of evening. White pepper folded into lychee. Cumin seed, rose oil, pink peppercorns.酒類 - 紅酒
Intense citrus notes – Seville orange, kumquat – jewel-cut the sweetness and weight into bevelled planes and angles. Sweet and pure with a long, mature finish. Magnificent!
Elegant wine will delight slightly sweet wines lovers and will pair with lacquered duck, foie gras terrines and desserts made with shortbread pasta.
年: 2016
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