我們精選一系列屢獲殊榮而且物超所值的紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,香檳,氣泡酒,啤酒,蘋果酒以及烈酒。歡迎顧客訂購自選組合的美酒,我們將提供免費送貨服務* 到香港各區。
國家 智利 葡萄酒產區 Limari Valley 葡萄品種 Viognier $88.00Tabali Pedregoso Viognier Gran Reserva, Limari Valley
Tabali Pedregoso Gran Reserva Viognier-頂級智利Viognier,未經橡木桶陳釀,半干型,非常新鮮,口感美味。 這種微妙的芳香型維奧尼(Viognier)具有柑橘和花香。 口感柔和,帶有花香,蜂蜜,杏李和柑橘的味道。酒類 - 白酒
年: 2023
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國家 智利 葡萄酒產區 Limari Valley 葡萄品種 Viognier $208.00Tabali Barranco Viognier, Limari Valley, Chile
The nose is very elegant and subtly scented with floral notes, dry white fruits and spices, and has a slightly mineral note in the background. It is very elegant in the mouth, creamy but very fresh at the same time. An exquisite acidity is induced by the cold nightly mountain breezes. This is a mountain Viognier, unique in its kind.酒類 - 白酒
年: 2023
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