我們精選一系列屢獲殊榮而且物超所值的紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,香檳,氣泡酒,啤酒,蘋果酒以及烈酒。歡迎顧客訂購自選組合的美酒,我們將提供免費送貨服務* 到香港各區。
國家 法國 葡萄酒產區 Languedoc, France 葡萄品種 Chenin Blanc Organic $175.00Figure Libre Chenin Blanc, Languedoc, France
Domaine Gayda Figure Libre Chenin Blanc is golden in colour with reflections of green. A nose that is both floral and fruity gives great complexity, freshness and minerality. Well balanced with a purity of fruit enhanced by its roundness and length. A pleasantly fresh finish.酒類 - 白酒
年: 2022
獲獎 -